Membership Details

Membership Details

The membership of NIPM is a recognition of the high standards of your professional attainments and your commitment to the causes and furtherance of professionalism in the management and development of human resources.You are also entitled, as a member of NIPM to

Meetings & Discussions

Attend and participate in the meetings, discussions, lectures, film shows and such other programmes which are organised by the institute or its chapters.

Events & Training

Participate at concessional rates in the management Seminars and Workshops programmes organised by NIPM or its Regions and Chapters.


Get a copy of the institute’s quarterly journal: ‘ Personnel Today ‘, Newsletters and a copy of its news bulletin ‘NIPM News’ at free of charge.

Events & Training

Use Library/Information Centre at NIPM National Office and /or at the concerned chapter.


Eligibility Criteria

Eligibilty criteria For Different membership programs

  1. He /she had a recognised degree or diploma in personnel management/ industrial relations/ labour welfare or has passed at least a degree examination or its equivalent in any other stream
  2. He/She has thereafter acquired adequateknowledge of personnel management/industrial relations/ labour welfare, and is holding a managerial or administrative position in an industrial, trading or commercial organisation.

  1. At least three years’ practical experience in any assignment in personnel management/industrial relations /labour welfare, if he/she has a degree or diploma in any of the above three streams, or at least five years’ practical experience in case of a degree or its equivalent in any other stream.
  2. Be holding a managerial or administrative or staff training position in any industrial, trading or commercial organisation and be dealing mainly with personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare or any branch or any aspect of them; or be working as Adviser /Consultant to an industrial training, commercial or employers’ organisation and be dealing mainly with personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare or any branch or any aspect of them; or be engaged as a full time teacher in personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare in a recognised educational institution.
  1. Any individual who is eligible to become a corporate member or who is already a corporate member may become a Life member by making payment of Rs. 5,000/-.
  1. An individual who is undergoing a recognised course, either for a degree or diploma, in personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare, may be admitted to student membership.
  1. The central or any state government or an local self government body or any of their departments or any statutory body or corporation, statutory or otherwise, or any organisation or any institution or an association, whether incorporated or not, which subscribes to and is interested in furtherance of the objects of the institute is eligible for institutional membership.
Price & Plans

Affordable Packages

Student 300 /year
  • Entrance Fee : ₹ 100 (Inclusive)
  • Meetings & Discussions
  • Events & Training
  • Newsletters
  • Training & Devolopment
Get Started
Associate 650 /year
  • Entrance Fee : ₹ 150 (Inclusive)
  • Meetings & Discussions
  • Events & Training
  • Newsletters
  • Training & Devolopment
Get Started
Corporate 1000 /year
  • Entrance Fee : ₹ 300(Inclusive)
  • Meetings & Discussions
  • Events & Training
  • Newsletters
  • Training & Devolopment
Get Started
Life 5500 /year
  • Entrance Fee : ₹ 500(Inclusive)
  • Meetings & Discussions
  • Events & Training
  • Newsletters
  • Training & Devolopment
Get Started


To apply for membership, please fill in the enclosed application form, get it proposed and seconded by Life/Corporate members of the institute and send it along with the amount of Entrance Fee and subscription by demand draft to the Hon. General Secretary of the institute at Kolkata through the Secretary of the concerned chapter, if you reside within the territorial jurisdiction of any chapter, or directly, if you reside outside the jurisdiction of any of the chapters. After the application has been scrutinised by the NIPM Secretariat at kolkata, it will be considered by the Membership Admission Committee and approved by the National Council. Thereafter, you will be informed of your admission to membership, indicating the class of membership and date of admission. Individual members are enrolled on the basis of financial year of the Institute. Any one admitted between April and September shall have to pay full year’s subscription. Any one admitted between October and March shall have to pay half year’s subscription. In both cases, entrance fee shall have to be paid in full.


Membership Forms

Individual Membership Form

For individuals who wish to be a part of NIPM.


Institution Membership Form

Institutions can be a part of the NIPM for great exposure and knowledge transfer


Student Membership Form

Budding students learn the know how of the industrial practises and allows networking of ideas.


Upgradation Membership Form

Upgrade your Membership role
